+ 43 (0) 09741 2730
Steuernr: 205/261/9008
Siegbert Remberger is characterized by his will for absolute performance,
for utmost expression and technical superiority.
The guitar with its quality to reflect deep conflicts of soul comes alive in his
hands and seems to struggle to express itself in human language.
He presents himself as a musician of most subtle sophistication.
Bad Kissingen
He plays his guitar concentrated from head to toe. There is no doubt,
he is a brilliant guitarist who fills his audience with enthusiasm.
Mr. Remberger is a very gifted musician and a refined performer.
Alvaro Pierri, Canada
Siegbert Remberger can bring results of the highest artistic degree in an individual
facing his public, drawing from his „centre“ a perfectly conquered
and a hightened and very poetic musical wisdom. Therfore I warmly recommend
Mr. Remberger to any concert association or academic institution of the
highest level.
Oscar Ghiglia, Italy